Do Video Surveillance And Security Cameras Make You Safer Or Give You a False Sense Of Security?

Security cameras give you an added level of monitoring but are only one component to a well-designed security system.
The biggest trend today in security systems is video surveillance and security camera systems.
Through the advancement of technology, video surveillance has never been so accessible and convenient. Security cameras now have high definition quality and the ability to zoom in to catch every detail. This creates extreme clarity, and a level of surveillance that in the past was not possible.
Along with the incredible advancement of ability in security cameras, the ways in which we view the video has also evolved at warp speed. Smartphones, tablets, computers, and monitors are now more accessible than ever. If you are like the majority of the population you own a smartphone, and are rarely without it. Just by simply logging into your account you can gain complete access to video surveillance of your home and property.
Does This Technology Make You Safer?
With the rapid growth of security camera systems, and the ability for video surveillance, the question still remains: Do video surveillance and security cameras make you safer?
The answer to this question is bit complicated, and not cut and dry by any means. There is nothing more dangerous, than a false sense of security, and having the capability of video surveillance can create a false sense of security.
A proper security system has many elements that all work in harmony to best monitor your security. Video surveillance and security cameras are just one element of a comprehensive security system. An expert security system company will outfit your home or business with security measures for both prevention and detection.
When examining your home or companies security it is important to keep in mind the difference between prevention and detection. Video surveillance and security cameras give you a tremendous advantage in the possibility of preventing a crime, and of course monitoring events taking place in your home, but not necessary in detecting a crime.
For instance, if a thief knows you have video surveillance capability at your home or business, they may choose to target a different home or business. Also, being able to see your children come home from school safely, or check up on employees, is exceptionally beneficial. However, this does not detect a crime, and although the crime may be monitored by security cameras, the security cameras may simply be taping the crime-taking place.
A Comprehensive Security System
Security cameras and video surveillance technology are only one component of a comprehensive security system that will provide the highest level of protection for you, your family, or your business. Security cameras are a great tool for the monitoring of your home or business, but cannot stand alone to protect you home.
The best way to fully protect your home or business is by contacting an expert security system company that provides a full service of amenities. Not solely focusing on video surveillance or security cameras but assessing your specific property and protecting it from every angle with an array of methods of protection including, motion detectors, locks, and much more.