Enjoy a Safe Halloween with These Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips!
Trick-or-treat is one of the most exciting nights of the year for kids, but sadly, it can be a dangerous night as well. To help ensure a safe and happy holiday for your family, here are a few tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the safety and security experts at Colorado Security Products.
2016 Trick-or-Treat Safety Tips
Choosing a Safe Costume
Trick-or-treat safety begins long before you and the kids head out for the evening. Choosing the right costume is the first step toward a safe and successful night.
- Opt for brightly colored, reflective costumes. Consider adding reflective tape for greater visibility.
- Make sure the costume fits properly and isn’t long enough to cause tripping or entanglement. Choose shoes that fit properly as well.
- Masks can block or limit eyesight, making non-toxic makeup a safer alternative, especially for younger kids. Test makeup ahead of time to make sure your child isn’t allergic.
- Look for costumes that are clearly labeled “flame resistant.”
Staying Safe on the Big Night
- Plan your trick-or-treat route ahead of time. A parent or other responsible adult should always accompany young children. If older children are going home, make yourself familiar with their route, and agree on a specific time they must return home.
- Make sure each child and escort has a flashlight with working batteries.
- Only go to homes with porch lights turned on. Unless you’re attending a trunk-or-treat event, never let your children approach a vehicle for a treat.
- Stay on well-lit streets. Don’t use alleys or cut through yards.
- Never cross streets between parked vehicles or from driveways. Always use designated crosswalks, and cross in groups when possible.
- Be mindful of cars. It can be difficult to see trick-or-treaters in the dark!
Trick-or-Treat Home Safety Tips
If you’ll be staying home handing out candy, there are a few things you should do to ensure your safety and the safety of trick-or-treaters:
- Check your outside lights and replace any bulbs that are burnt out.
- Remove tripping hazards like hoses, toys, etc. When decorating for Halloween, make sure your decorations don’t obstruct walkways.
- Prevent slips and falls by removing wet leaves from steps and sidewalks.
- Restrain your pets. Trick-or-treat is often stressful for animals, and it’s best to keep them and your visitors safe by keeping them in a quiet, secure part of your home.
Halloween and trick-or-treat are fun and exciting for kids and adults alike. Unfortunately, there are some individuals who use this holiday as an excuse for mischief. At Colorado Security Products, we recommend checking to ensure that your security system and security cameras are working properly prior to the big night. If you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us by calling 303-756-1000.