Staying Safe When You Live Alone
If you live alone, you are in good company. In the United States, approximately 31 million people live alone. On average, that breaks down to about 28% of households including just one person. People live alone for a variety of reasons. While many enjoy the freedom of living alone, there are unique security risks. Living by yourself may put you at a higher risk for certain security issues. If you live alone, check out the tips listed below.
Security Tips for People Who Live Alone
Invest in the Right Technology
A home security system is always a good investment, but it’s one you should consider even more when living on your own. Opt for a system that offers 24/7 monitoring and allows you to manage it remotely. Once your system has been installed, remember to arm it and keep your doors locked at all times.
If you have health problems, you may also want to consider a personal emergency response system. These devices allow you to quickly call for help in the event of an emergency. While often recommended for elderly people, they are a good investment for anyone with an existing health condition.
Use the Buddy System
If you live on your own, it may take longer for someone to notice if something is amiss. Buddy up with a family member or friend, and commit to checking in regularly. It’s a good idea to let each other know when you’re going to be away and when you’ve safely returned in. Checking in frequently makes it more likely for someone to know if something goes wrong.
Don’t Let People Know That You Live Alone
The entire world does not need to know that you live alone. Keep this information private from strangers by practicing common sense. Be careful about what you share on social media, and don’t broadcast that you are alone or that your home will be vacant if you are going on vacation. If you’re expecting a delivery or a repair technician, invite a family member to come sit with you. Avoid telling strangers that you live alone.
If you live alone and are concerned about your safety and security, Colorado Security Products can help. Contact us today to learn more.